デュンケル・ヴァイツェン(Dunkel Weizen)という、小麦麦芽を50%以上使ったスタイルもある(同じくラガー)。ヘーフェヴァンツェンのようにフルーティで甘みを持ちつつも、ローストされた暗いモルトの手ごたえを楽しめる。イースト由来のアロマやキャラクターも特徴である。
<このビールスタイルのBrewers Associationによる解説>
Munich-Style Dunkel
- Color: Light brown to brown
- Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze should not be present
- Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Malt character is low to medium, with chocolate, roast, bread or biscuit aromas and flavors contributed by using dark Munich malt or other specialty malts.
- Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Very low to low, with attributes typical of noble-type hops.
- Perceived Bitterness: Medium-low to medium
- Fermentation Characteristics: Fruity esters and diacetyl should not be present
- Body: Low to medium-low
- Additional notes: Dunkels do not offer an overly sweet impression, but rather a balance between malt and dark malt sweetness and hop character.
Original Gravity (°Plato) 1.048-1.056(11.9-13.8 °Plato) •
Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) 1.014-1.018(3.6-4.6 °Plato) •
Alcohol by Weight (Volume) 3.8%-4.2%(4.8%-5.3%) •
Bitterness (IBU) 16-25 •
Color SRM (EBC) 15-17(30-34 EBC)