IPA(アイピーエー)はインディア・ペール・エール(India Pale Ale)のこと。北米では最もポピュラーなビールの一つ。イギリスが発祥のペールエールで、17世紀にイギリスからインドへ輸送するにあたり、長期輸送での品質を維持するため、アルコール度数を高め、防腐効果のあるホップを多く投入し事からのネーミングである。
アメリカでは、IPAを更に強くエッジを効かせたImperial IPA/Double IPAや、アルコール度数が低めのセッションIPA、曇ってイーストの風味が残るHazy IPAなどが一般的だ。
<このビールスタイルのBrewers Associationによる解説>
American-Style India Pale Ale
- Color: Gold to copper
- Clarity: Chill haze is acceptable at low temperatures. Hop haze is allowable at any temperature.
- Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Medium-low to medium intensity malt attributes are present in aroma and flavor
- Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Hop aroma and flavor is high, exhibiting floral, fruity (berry, tropical, stone fruit and other), sulfur/diesel-like, onion-garlic-catty, citrusy, piney or resinous character that was originally associated with American-variety hops. Hops with these attributes now also originate from countries other than the USA.
- Perceived Bitterness: Medium-high to very high
- Fermentation Characteristics: Fruity esters are low to high. Diacetyl and DMS should not be present.
- Body: Medium-low to medium
- Additional notes: The use of water with high mineral content may result in a crisp, dry beer rather than a malt-accentuated version. Sugar adjuncts may be used to enhance body and balance. Hops of varied origins may be used for bitterness or for approximating traditional American character.
Original Gravity (°Plato) 1.060-1.070(14.7-17.1 °Plato) •
Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (°Plato) 1.010-1.016(2.5-4.1 °Plato) •
Alcohol by Weight (Volume) 5.0%-6.0%(6.3%-7.5%) •
Bitterness (IBU) 50-70 •
Color SRM (EBC) 6-12(12-24 EBC)